Mutual Respect Policy

Mutual Respect Policy

At Loyal Family Veterinary Hospital, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for your beloved pets. Our dedicated team of veterinary professionals take pride in their work, and we aim to create a safe and respectful environment for both our clients and our staff. In order to maintain this standard of care, we have established a policy that outlines the mutual respect necessary to operate effectively.

The veterinary field has one of the highest suicide and burnout rates among professions, at Loyal Family Veterinary Hospital, we must prioritize the mental well-being of all our team members. To support mental and physical safety, enabling us to operate at our peak for you and your pets, we require all clients to treat our entire team with mutual respect and compassion, just as we treat you and your pets.

The following behaviors will not be tolerated:

  • Verbal or physical abuse
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Profanity or disrespect
  • Intimidation tactics or making threats
  • Emotional blackmail
  • Allowing your pet to intimidate or threaten another person or pet
  • Discriminatory comments or actions
  • Failure to comply with the requests of our staff, including leashing/restraining your pet
  • Any form of harassment

Failure to comply with the mutual respect policy may result in the termination of your relationship with Loyal Family Veterinary Hospital.

Please know that we are always here to address any concerns or questions you may have. Should you have any questions about this policy or any other aspect of our service, please feel free to discuss them with our team. If you would like more information regarding the national mental-health crisis in the veterinary field, we encourage you to visit Not One More Vet at

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